Sunday, December 26, 2010

Amelia opening up presents

Amelia was very excited to open presents. She loved them all. Here is a link to a video of her enjoying Christmas morning.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Lets start opening presents

Amelias first Christmas Present.

I Need my own computer. Mom and dad dont like when I hit the keys on there computer.

I like all types of books. Especially when Uncle Jeff reads them to me.

Which do I like better? The box, or the rings?????

I like shiny objects.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Rocking Chair

Playing with her teddy bear.
My Sweet Pea

Amelia is big enough now to sit in her rocking chair without falling out. She had a good time rocking, watching Mommy pack her room up for the big move.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sledding videos
Link for video with Daddy and Amelia sledding.
Mommy and Amelia
Uncle Jeff and Amelia

Thanksgiving in Truckee

Playing with Grandpa

Nana and Uncle Jeff

Silly Amelia, she loves to be upside down

Upside down and loving this spoon, she carried it all day.

Uncle Jeff and Amelia were having a great time.

Playing with Uncle Jeff

Give Amelia the remote and she is happy. Sorry about the slobber

Mmmmm...Amelia smells the turkey and thinks it smells yummy.

Finally Amelia lets someone else feed her.

And Finally, Amelia sleeps

The Animals

Sleeping with Angus the Dog

I'm going to get you Jewel....

Yea, I got you.