Thursday, August 19, 2010

Trying to roll

Amelia just started trying to roll over. She hasn't figured out how to get past her shoulder, but I think in the next couple of days she is going to get it. I am also going to start her on solid food. All sorts of fun things are happening. yeah!!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

My Little Cowgirl

Amelia had her first horse back riding expierience this weekend. She loved being on the horse with Mommy, she is a natural.
Dressed to Ride
Hanging with Dad while Mom rides the horses.
Meeting my first horse Lazarus
Riding Laz with a little help from Mom
Amelia is ready, she is even holding the reins.
Enjoying the ride.
Tammy riding Chagall

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Nana's Visit

Amelia loves chewing on her fingers, but she hasn't found her thumb yet.

Thank you Nana for the fun Tigger toy, I love the way it rattles.

Hanging with Nana.

We are all dressed up to go shopping. Got to start her early.

Amelia turnes 4 months


Sleeping while holding her toys. She really likes this one, it's easly to hold on to.

Tummy Time is begging to be fun.

Mommy is showing Amelia how to roll over.

Kissing his little girl

Sleeping after a nice warm bath.

Happy Girl

Taking a little nap on the couch and Amelia still sleeps with her fingers out.

Here is a video of Amelia having fun playing on her tummy

Amelia is laughing, it is the cutest thing I've every heard, but I guess I am bias