Saturday, July 31, 2010

Amelia is using her hands

This week has been really fun with Amelia.

I watched her use reach and grab some of her toys

Here she is playing with the musical bug.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Great Grandpa MacGreger's 90th Birthday in Santa Barbara

We enjoyed our trip to Santa Barbara to visit for
my grand fathers 90th Birthday. It was Amelia's first time in
a hotel. We got to visit with my family and enjoy the beach.
Grandpa Rick steals Amelia away to give her love.

Great Grandpa is facinated by Amelia's little fingers and toes

Four generations

Still kids at heart as Jeff and I run to play in the ocean.

Sibling Love

Uncle Ed, Great Grandpa, Nana, Mommy & Amelia
Amelia was not very happy to get her picture taken,
she would rather be getting pushed in her stroller.
We love the beard you are sporting Uncle Jeffy.
Amelia looks so small next to Jeff.

Uncle Jeffy and Great Grandpa

This was the first time Great Grandpa met Amelia,
he was overcome with joy to meet her.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Our Trip to Ohio

Maddie, Grant, Amelia and Cassidy

Thanks for playing with me Cousin Maddie

Beautiful Toes
(Grandma Kramer's and Amelias)

Crystal and Amelia. Crystal was visiting from PA.

Grandma and Amelia enjoying the cool morning on the porch.

Matt and Uncle Jim

Matt's Aunt Rita and Cousin Jill

Aunt Rita, Great Grandma Lucille and Grandma Kramer

Wedding shower for Luke and Katherine.

Of course I had to put this up with the Buckeyes in the back.

Congratulations to Luke and Katherine, we wish you all

the best at your upcoming wedding.

Four generations

Great Grandma Lucille Tegtmeier and Amelia

Spending 4th of July sleeping on Grandma's lap

and looking very festive in her red, white and blue dress.